Saturday, July 31, 2010

Q: What feels like, looks like and smells like summer?

A: Winter in Brisbane.
Who told them to turn the heat up? I was enjoying the cold weather. But I do enjoy me some sunshine. Ridiculously gorgeous "winter" day.

I thought I'd share a few things. I've been busy chillin' on the couch with my sister - Laptop Club. That's no excuse though, I know.

My 'new' shoes that arrived in the post over a month ago.

My lovely new SOOT headbands, they make me happy.

My very new bag. I purchased this little baby from Target on Thursday night for $17.50 - original price $40. I surprised even myself by finding that I don't own a small black bag, and when I saw this there was no questioning, it had to be mine.

Russh, I'm sorry to say, hasn't been impressing me lately. I'm very disappointed :(

My collection of Blazers. I am in LOVE with Blazers. Black, Grey and even Beige.

..and a special little treat. Arnotts, I love thee.

Tonight I am off to a BBQ with my 6 pack of Rum and Coke under my arm.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Can't decide

I love Buddy Holly's voice and the way he sings this song

but The Rolling Stones version is so much more catchy




Monday, July 26, 2010


I wish I could braid my own hair like this.


Friday, July 23, 2010


McHandsomepants having a skate, in his own blades! spesh.

On Tuesday, Mum shouted my sister and I one hour massages at Rainesforest in Indooroopilly. Because it was my sisters birthday (and mums on Thursday) we got a little bit of special treatment. Before the massage we sat on the beautiful balcony and helped our self to the assortment of tea they provide (Green Tea and Jasmine) The windows of my treatment room looked out onto "rainforest". The massage was great, didn't last very long though. I felt I couldn't completely relax because my nose was going to run at any minute. How awkward. After the massage we had a spa - with champagne, cupcakes and chocolate.

This afternoon, Mum, my sister, little brother and I went to see Sex and the City 2 (...again) in Rosalie at The Blue Room. It is such a cool little place. Each cinema seats about 40 people. The seats are so comfy, so much leg room, reclining too! At the bar, before you go in, you can order food and drinks and during the movie (at your specified time) they will bring it in to you! The menu is a little more expensive but the movie tickets cost the same as going to the huge cinemas (Event) - very cozy, my new favourite place.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Birthday

sweet mummy dearest.

Love you x


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Brothers room

I bring the essentials with me. Moisturiser, Lola by Marc Jacobs, $10 sunglasses, jewellery, jewellery and more jewellery.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Romper Stomper

Just watched Russell Crowe - I was quite attracted to the stupid skinhead - Hando

and his friend Davey - The late Daniel Pollock.

"After being romantically involved with Romper Stomper co-star Jaqueline McKenzie, Pollock, a heroin addict, threw himself under a train after filming was finished."


Monday, July 19, 2010


I had a long weekend - My older brother and sister, Mchandsomepants and I had a picnic in the Brisbane Botanical Gardens on Friday. Was such a beautiful day. Parked at Southbank and strolled across the bridge, through QUT and sat under a huge shady tree.


Botanic Gardens

Picnic feast

Historical Building in QUT

Saturday, Mum, my sister and I payed a visit to GoMA, Ron Mueck exhibition. It was just as amazing the second time around - better even, I didn't take pictures this time so I had my full attention on the art.

Brisbane's Batman Building

On Sunday, Mchandsomepants, my brother, sister and I went ROLLERSKATING! It was so fun - I skated on the carpet most of the time haha. We were only there for about an hour and a half - There were about 4 kids birthday parties on. I was quite embarrassed at how much better they were at skating then I was. I probably looked like a fool holding onto the wall and my boyfriends hand - but I felt awesome nonetheless.

Today I had another day off, but only because I'm sick and unfit to work (lol) but really... after sleeping in 20 minutes, leaving no time to put on my makeup I decided I couldn't stand it anymore and went to the Doctors to get some anti-biotics. I came home and sat in the shower for maybe 20 minutes :S I spent all day in bed watching Seinfeld and eventually had a nap - for 3 hours. Feeling a lot better now.
Tomorrow Mum, my sister and I are all getting One hour massages and spas :) Happy Birthday my beautiful sister

Friday, July 16, 2010

Listen boy

A lesson or two from Billy Joel - He knows what's up.

I Don't want to see you let a good thing slip away

You know I don't like watching anybody make the same mistakes I made

She's a real nice girl and she's always there for you
But a nice girl wouldn't tell you what you should do

Listen boy
I'm sure that you think you got it all under control

You don't want somebody telling you the way to stay in someone's soul

You're a big boy now, you'll never let her go
But that's just the kind of thing she ought to know

Tell her about it
Tell her everything you feel
Give her every reason to accept that you're for real

Tell her all your crazy dreams
Let her know you need her
Let her know how much she means

Let her know how much you care
When she can't be with you tell her you wish you were there

Tell her about it
Every day before you leave
Pay her some attention, give her something to believe

Cause now and then
She'll get to worrying
Just because you haven't spoken for so long
Though you may not have done anything
Will that be a consolation when she's gone?

Listen boy
It's good information from a man who's made mistakes

Just a word or two that she gets from you could be the difference that it makes

She's a trusting soul
She's put her trust in you
But a girl like that won't tell you what you should do

The girl don't want to wait too long
You got to tell her about it
Tell her now and you won't go wrong
Before it gets too late
You got to tell her about it
You know the girl don't want to wait--you got to
Tell her about it

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day off

I scored a couple of days off work over the next two weeks because my sister arrived from California on Saturday morning!!! It's so good to have her here - I get to sleep in my scungy little brothers room (we kicked him out for two weeks) It's so small, there is nowhere to put my clothes.
I finally got some money into my paypal account - I [straight away] bought the soot headbands I mentioned about a month ago. Today we are going to see my sisters tattoo artist and update my license. fun fun


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Deep sea

"Scientists have discovered a host of bizarre-looking deep-sea creatures in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."

Aren't they absolutely amazing? Unbelievably beautiful.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

fun fact

that you didn't know about me. I have a tattoo. I'm not the kind of person to get a tattoo just because, so of course there is meaning and reasoning for this one. I was named after the Norse Goddess of love, Freya. It is said that she owned a cloak made of bird feathers and when she wore it she could turn into a bird. My bird is like my guardian angel, he is tucked under my wing helping me to fly and be myself. I also remember having very real dreams as a kid where I could just flap my arms and fly. I wish I still had those dreams.

I haven't named him, but I'm certain he is a boy. I got him last year with my sister when she was visiting from California. She is covered in tattoos and all of them are amazing. She is arriving (again) on Saturday morning and I am more then excited! She said there may be another visit to the tattoo parlour[Pip did mine], perhaps I will sit this one out. This is what she got last year.

Can't wait to see the next one


Flight of the Conchords

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Photo Bomb

from my heart -